Topic: Translations

ریشه‌های سرکوب زنان / ترجمه‌ی حسین رحمتی (Farsi: Origins of women's oppression)

Sandra Bloodworth revisits Engels’ arguments about the origin of women’s oppression. Translated by Hossein Rahmati.

Πολιορκία και αντίσταση στη Γάζα (Greek: Siege and resistance in Gaza)

Palestinian intellectual and author Toufic Haddad speaks about the state of Palestinian politics in the context of an inspiring new round of popular resistance. Translated by Panos Petrou.

Le origini criminali della dinastia Assad (Italian: Origins of the criminal Assad dynasty)

Omar Hassan affronta il mito secondo cui la dinastia Assad in Siria fu sempre socialista o antimperialista. Translated by Ruggero Rogoni.

A Podemos és a baloldali populizmus (Hungarian: Podemos and the myth of left populism)

Omar Hassan analyses why the promise of a radical, democratic alternative to bourgeois parliamentary politics has evolved into a hierarchical party which has abandoned any serious pretence of fighting austerity even before being tested in government. Translated by Kristóf Nagy.

Gilbert Achcar sobre as revoluções infindáveis no Oriente Médio e no Norte da África (Portuguese: Gilbert Achcar on the undying revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa)

Nesta ampla entrevista, Gilbert Achcar explora as questões levantadas pelo retorno inspirador da revolução para o Oriente Médio e o Norte da África. Translated by Left on the Move.

Gilbert Achcar: Sur les révolutions «permanentes» au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord (French: Gilbert Achcar on the undying revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa)

Dans cette large interview, Gilbert Achcar explore les questions soulevées par le retour inspirant de la révolution au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord. Translated by A l’Encontre.

Gilbert Achcar: Sulle rivoluzioni in Medioriente e Nord Africa (Italian: Gilbert Achcar on the undying revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa)

In questa intervista ad ampio raggio, Gilbert Achcar esplora le questioni sollevate dal ritorno ispiratore della rivoluzione in Medio Oriente e Nord Africa. Translated by

Συνέντευξη του Ζιλμπέρ Ασκάρ: Η επιστροφή των αραβικών εξεγέρσεων (Greek: Gilbert Achcar on the undying revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa)

In this wide-ranging interview, Gilbert Achcar explores the issues raised by the inspirational return of revolution to the Middle East and North Africa. Translated by Panos Petrou for rproject.rg.

در فاصله‌ی کومو و زندان: لنینیسم اولیه‌ی گرامشی (Farsi: Between Como and confinement: Gramsci’s early Leninism)

"Rjurik Davidson, winner of the Ditmar Award, author of Unwrapped Sky, The Stars Askew and other fiction, examines Antonio Gramsci’s political practice in his early years."

Τιμώντας την Παρισινή Κομμούνα του 1871: «Ένδοξος προάγγελος της νέας κοινωνίας» (Greek: Celebrating the Paris Commune of 1871)

Marxist historian Sandra Bloodworth commemorates the 150th anniversary of the Commune, retelling the breathtaking events as well as providing an assessment of their political significance.