Articles by Gilbert Achcar

Gilbert Achcar on the undying revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa

In this wide-ranging interview, Gilbert Achcar explores the issues raised by the inspirational return of revolution to the Middle East and North Africa.

Gilbert Achcar sobre as revoluções infindáveis no Oriente Médio e no Norte da África (Portuguese: Gilbert Achcar on the undying revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa)

Nesta ampla entrevista, Gilbert Achcar explora as questões levantadas pelo retorno inspirador da revolução para o Oriente Médio e o Norte da África. Translated by Left on the Move.

Gilbert Achcar: Sur les révolutions «permanentes» au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord (French: Gilbert Achcar on the undying revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa)

Dans cette large interview, Gilbert Achcar explore les questions soulevées par le retour inspirant de la révolution au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord. Translated by A l’Encontre.

Gilbert Achcar: Sulle rivoluzioni in Medioriente e Nord Africa (Italian: Gilbert Achcar on the undying revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa)

In questa intervista ad ampio raggio, Gilbert Achcar esplora le questioni sollevate dal ritorno ispiratore della rivoluzione in Medio Oriente e Nord Africa. Translated by

Συνέντευξη του Ζιλμπέρ Ασκάρ: Η επιστροφή των αραβικών εξεγέρσεων (Greek: Gilbert Achcar on the undying revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa)

In this wide-ranging interview, Gilbert Achcar explores the issues raised by the inspirational return of revolution to the Middle East and North Africa. Translated by Panos Petrou for rproject.rg.